Hi Homies ? I'm moving down to Austin from Portland, Austin, Texas

Hi Homies ? I'm moving down to Austin from Portland, Austin, Texas

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Hi Homies ? I'm moving down to Austin from Portland, OR with my girlfriend + 4 legged creature. We're looking for a 3-5mo lease starting around 2/20. Looking to spend around $1.5K/mo on a furnished, 1BDRM? apartment/house within 2 miles of the river. Totally understand that it's a specific request and willing to check out your spot if it fulfills most of our needs. We're working remote and want to check out the city before committing to a year. I'll be looking for a gig in the live music industry. LMK if there's a venue, band or job that's worth checkin out. Thanks!
Austin, Texas
To Rent

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