House to Rent, San Diego, California

House to Rent, San Diego, California

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Hi, I'm looking for 3 roomies to team up with me to rent this north Pacific Beach townhome just seconds from the sand! 4 Bedrooms + 3 Full Bath. Rent split 4 ways comes to $1,675/each for a 1 year lease.? Looking to move in early to mid-April.
About me: I?m moving to San Diego for the first time, and I tend to lead a pretty busy lifestyle so I?m out of the house a lot. I like to be active and spend time outdoors. I?m a social worker and work outside the home. I?m also a yoga teacher and I?m just getting into surfing! Because of how busy I am, I like to come home to a calm, clean house. I?m pretty organized myself and keep my living spaces clean. That being said, I enjoy having people over on?
San Diego, California
To Rent

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