Looking for a Roommate in San Diego starting August 1st!, San Diego, California

Looking for a Roommate in San Diego starting August 1st!, San Diego, California

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Looking for a Roommate in San Diego starting August 1st!
Hey everyone! Hope you're all good. ?
I'm looking for someone to share a 2-bedroom place in San Diego starting August 1st. I've been here for 4 years and? my current lease in La Mesa ends on July 31st. I'm cool with staying around here or moving to other safe area in San Diego.
About me: I'm a full-time photographer who also works at a photo studio. I've got my own furniture, a car, and a cat. ? Gender doesn't matter for my roommate, I'm cool with anyone!
I'm hoping to keep the rent around $1100 or lower. My credit's good and I can pass background checks. I can either hop onto an existing lease or we can look for a place together.
If you know of any opportunities or if you're in a similar situation, feel free to shoot me a message.
San Diego, California
$ 1,100 USD

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