I've got 5 matching 20 inch tires that are like brand new, Longview, Texas

I've got 5 matching 20 inch tires that are like brand new, Longview, Texas

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I've got 5 matching 20 inch tires that are like brand new, still have the factory nipples on them. 2 Lemans, 2 Coopers and 1 Goidyear. 200 for all 5. 75 apiece if I separate. Trades? Looking for car stereo equipment, video game console, computers, what do you got?

20 inch tires in excellent condition!

I've got 5 matching 20 inch tires that are like brand new, still have the factory nipples on them. 2 Lemans, 2 Coopers and 1 Goidyear. 200 for all 5. 75 apiece if I separate. Trades? Looking for car stereo equipment, video game console, computers, what do you got?
Longview, Texas
$ 200 USD

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