Very low miles, Denver, Colorado

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Very low miles, only 23K Triton V10 gas. Bought to move to Colorado and no longer need. Brand new tires, less to 1500 miles on them. Brand new converter. NO TRADES as this has a bank loan on it, so any low? ballers saying it isn't worth asking price, go ahead and move on as no bank would do a vehicle loan unless it's valued at loan price.

2006 Fleetwood bounder 32w

Denver, CO
Very low miles, only 23K Triton V10 gas. Bought to move to Colorado and no longer need. Brand new tires, less to 1500 miles on them. Brand new converter. NO TRADES as this has a bank loan on it, so any low ballers saying it isn't worth asking price, go ahead and move on as no bank would do a vehicle loan unless it's valued at loan price.
ID: BR-989178
Location: Denver, Colorado
Price: $ 30,000 USD
Make: Cadillac
Year: 2006
Mileage: 500000 mi

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