Drives well! I'm selling it for my mom, Dallas, Texas

Drives well! I'm selling it for my mom, Dallas, Texas

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Drives well! I'm selling it for my mom, who's owned it since 2015. CLEAN TITLE. AC and radio work great. Push start, comes with two key fobs. The car vibrates a little bit, especially when you're on the highway? but not a big issue, still runs nice. Engine light turned on recently. Not sure for what. Could probably use some work but would likely run fine for a while without it as well.

2012 Nissan Quest · SL Minivan 4D
$4.800 Ahora $4.200

Richardson, TX
Drives well! I'm selling it for my mom, who's owned it since 2015. CLEAN TITLE. AC and radio work great. Push start, comes with two key fobs. The car vibrates a little bit, especially when you're on the highway but not a big issue, still runs nice. Engine light turned on recently. Not sure for what. Could probably use some work but would likely run fine for a while without it as well.
Dallas, Texas
$ 4,800 USD

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