Hey there we have a room available. GREAT Setup, Austin, Texas

Hey there we have a room available. GREAT Setup, Austin, Texas

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Hey there we have a room available. GREAT Setup, great location and all bills paid on a month to month lease. 1. Month to Month lease, a few Minutes from Southpark Meadows. 2. Big, Clean, New, Nice House. 3.? Bi-Weekly Maid service 4. Bi-Weekly Lawn Care 5. FAST 5G Google Fiber 6. Great roommates are male 20-40 age ranges. (With no criminal history) BONUS: Laundry at the House! BONUS 2: Sweet Barrell Sauna in Backyard You Can use ANYTIME ( Ice Plunge + Weight Set Coming Soon as well ! ) BONUS: 5 Minutes to McKinney Falls State Park for Great Hikes and a sweet natural Swimming Hole! Nice place to call home and rest after work. No drugs, no loud music, no pets, etc. Great place to live. Having?
Austin, Texas

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