Roommate, Seattle, Washington

Roommate, Seattle, Washington

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Hello! My roommate Spencer and I are looking for a third roommate as our current third is moving east for work. We are in Fremont near BF Day park. We have both lived with men and women in the past so either? are welcome. Also, included in our household is my very sweet indoor cat, Arya. Our lease is up at the end of the month, so if you are interested, please let us know quickly. For the most part, we most keep to ourselves and have a quiet life inside the household. But we are both very friendly (I know there?s a slight bias applied)! Your lease would include your room, a shared bathroom with Spencer and your own parking space. The current apartment is a house split in apartments. If you are interested, please DM me and we can figure out a tour of the place to see if we are a good fit! We are also happy to provide references of previous tenants if you would like.
Seattle, Washington

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