House to Rent, Seattle, Washington

House to Rent, Seattle, Washington

Ad details

$4,725/mo - 2BR/2.5BA PH - 1,319 sqft - Premiere On Pine - Modern Luxury High Rise Hi! This is the B6 Penthouse unit on the 38th floor in Premiere on Pine. It's in a modern luxury high-rise w/ amenities,? amazing views (Space Needle, Puget Sound ?, Lake Union ?, the city), great sound proofing, penthouse amenities like high ceilings, gas stove, lux appliances, wine cooler, large walk in closets, TVs in the bathroom mirrors lol, etc. Close to Capitol Hill, not far from SLU, is a pretty social building if you want it. I'm looking for someone to take over my lease from the management company. Lease ends March 22, 2025 and is for $5.5k+/mo, I will pre-pay a fixed amount before handing the lease off so that the effective monthly rate is as advertised ($4,725/mo). (Parking, pets, etc. are allowed but cost extra). If you check the site this is a really good deal. Feel free to DM me with any questions :)
Seattle, Washington
To Rent

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